SunPoint IT Solutions



Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse)

Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse) As an overview of the Azure tool for big data, let`s take a look at a tool like Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse) and compare it to the familiar Azure SQL Server tool. With local SQL Server throttling, transactional technology (OLTP) databases reside in the SQL Server database engine, while data warehouse (OLAP) is usually on a different server, but uses the same database engine. These systems are known as SMP (symmetric multiprocessing). Single Database - Azure SQL; Azure still supports the concept of "SQL Server", but it is possible that it can be considered as a container for multiple databases in which it resides. SQLDW was created for OLAP systems. These systems behave differently from the individual searches performed by OLTP databases, instead performing extensive multi-row checks to return aggregated data. SQL Data Warehouse was designed as an MPP (Multiple Parallel Processing) system that is rarely found in relational database systems, although Microsoft is offering an MPP-based offering in the form of an Analytics Platform (APS). SQL Data Warehouse is being replaced by another service, Azure Synapse, which is the next generation of Data Warehouse. Azure Synapse is an analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics. This service allows you to request data on your own terms, using non-server resources on demand or prepared resources at any scale. Azure Synapse brings these two capabilities together to provide a single interface for ingesting, preparing, monitoring, and serving data for your business intelligence and machine learning needs. Azure Synapse is an integrated analytics service that no doubt accelerates the retrieval of insights across data warehouses and systems. The service combines the best SQL technologies used in enterprise data warehouses, Spark technologies used in working with big data, and pipelines for data integration and data extraction, transformation, and loading. Synapse Studio provides us with a single interface for management, monitoring, coding, and security. Synapse is deeply integrated with other Azure services such as PowerBI, CosmosDB, and AzureML. Import big data with T-SQL PolyBase queries, leverage the power of the distributed query engine to perform high-performance analytics. As data is integrated and analyzed, SQL Synapse will become the only optimal and reliable option for getting timely analytical information for your company. Data warehouse is a key component of a complete big data solution in the cloud. This solution allows you to significantly reduce the analysis of a huge amount of data coming from many different sources, as well as provide convenient tools for the operation and administration of this solution.