SunPoint IT Solutions





     SKTech is a comprehensive platform for managing work processes in companies, which helps to organize the work of employees, control projects and spent working time. The main goal of SKTech is to provide centralized management of all business processes within one company.

     ◉ Focus: management of personnel and work processes within one company.
     ◉ Key features: time tracking, vacation management, project management, task assignment by role, upcoming skills testing feature.
     ◉ Users: Small and medium-sized companies looking for a simple team and project management tool.
     ◉ Advantages: centralized personnel management, convenient timekeeping, simple interface.

     Key features of SKTech:

     Company registration

     ◉ Companies must go through a registration process to access the platform.

      ◉ After registration, a company profile is created, which includes sections for managing employees, projects, and timekeeping.

       Section "Employees"

       ◉ This section displays all company employees, their roles, bosses, positions and skills.

       ◉ Adding employees is done by managers through a special form by entering their email address and role in the team.

       ◉ Employees can fill out profiles themselves, including work experience, education and professional skills.

       Section "Projects"

       ◉ Companies can manage projects through a table that displays key data: project name, responsible manager, start and end dates.

◉ Managers can create new projects, add participants to them, and define what skills are needed to complete them.

       ◉ All project participants have access to its overview, where they can add files and other materials.

         Section "Tests"

         SKTech has a "Tests" section that is under development. In the future, this functionality will be used to evaluate the professional skills of employees or test knowledge within projects. This element has the potential to improve HR evaluation.

         Section "Time Events"

         ◉ Section for accounting of working hours, where employees can record periods of work, holidays or sick days.

       ◉ Managers have access to time off management and can approve or reject leave requests.

       This tool allows you to manage employees` time off and vacations, which adds flexibility to personnel management.


       The platform works on a subscription basis, which gives full access to all features for a fixed fee.

        Specialization and flexibility

        SKTech is more focused on companies that want to effectively manage internal work processes and human resources. The platform provides a simple and clear tool for organizing employees, tracking projects and controlling working hours.

       Choosing a platform

       SKTech is more suitable for internal use in companies where the main focus is on employee management, timekeeping and task coordination within the same company. It`s a good option for businesses that need a simple tool to automate core processes like project and vacation management, but don`t need extensive integrations or complex multitasking management features.

       The backend of the application is built on .NET 8.0 using the following libraries: 

       CloudinaryDotNet: Used for uploading and managing images on Cloudinary. 

       MailKit: A cross-platform mail client library for sending emails. 

   Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework: Provides support for using Identity with Entity Framework in ASP.NET. 

       Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin: Integrates ASP.NET Identity with OWIN-based applications. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer: Adds support for JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore: Integrates ASP.NET Identity with Entity Framework Core. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI: Provides UI components for ASP.NET Core Identity. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch: Adds JSON Patch support for handling HTTP PATCH requests. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson: Enables JSON serialization using Newtonsoft.Json for ASP.NET Core MVC. 

        Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR: Provides real-time web functionality through SignalR. 

        Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy: Proxies requests from the server to the SPA during development. 

        Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions: Offers services for developing SPAs with ASP.NET Core. 

        Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: The primary ORM framework used for database interactions. 

        Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer: SQL Server provider for Entity Framework Core. 

      Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools: Tools for development with Entity Framework Core, such as migration support. 

        Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb: Provides OWIN hosting on System.Web. 

        MimeKit: A library for creating and parsing MIME messages, used for email functionality. 

        SendGrid: Used for sending emails via SendGrid`s API. 

        Serilog.AspNetCore: Enables Serilog logging in ASP.NET Core applications. 

        Serilog.Extensions.Logging: Integrates Serilog with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. 

        Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer: Logs messages to a SQL Server database. 

        Serilog.UI: Provides a UI for viewing Serilog logs. 

        Serilog.UI.MsSqlServerProvider: SQL Server provider for Serilog UI. 

        Serilog.UI.Web: Provides web-based viewing of Serilog logs. 

        Swashbuckle.AspNetCore: Integrates Swagger to automatically generate API documentation. 

        The frontend is built with React using the following libraries: 

        @google-pay/button-react: Provides a Google Pay button for React applications. 

        @microsoft/signalr: Enables real-time communication using SignalR. 

        @react-pdf/renderer: Used to generate PDFs in React. 

     @testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/react, @testing-library/user-event: Libraries for testing React components. 

       @types/jest, @types/node, @types/react, @types/react-dom: TypeScript definitions for Jest, Node, React, and React DOM. 

         antd: A popular React UI framework (Ant Design). 

         antd-img-crop: Provides image cropping functionality for Ant Design. 

         axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests. 

         html2canvas: Captures screenshots of web pages. 

        i18next, i18next-browser-languagedetector, i18next-http-backend: Libraries for handling internationalization in React. 

         jspdf: Used for generating PDF files. 

         jwt-decode: Decodes JSON Web Tokens (JWT). 

         mobx, mobx-react-lite: State management libraries for React. 

         moment: A library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates. 

         query-string: Helps parse and stringify URL query strings. 

         react, react-dom: The core libraries for building and rendering React applications. 

         react-i18next: Integrates i18next for internationalization in React. 

         react-modal-video: A React component for displaying modal videos. 

         react-organizational-chart: A React component for creating organizational charts. 

         react-quill: A rich text editor for React. 

         react-router-dom: A library for handling routing in React. 

         react-scripts: A set of scripts for creating React applications. 

         react-to-print: Provides functionality to print components in React. 

         swiper: A modern mobile touch slider and framework. 

         typescript: A superset of JavaScript that provides static typing. 

         web-vitals: A library for measuring essential web performance metrics. 

         SKTech is more suitable for internal process management in small and medium-sized companies, where it is important to keep track of time and projects.

         More information about the functionality can be found on the official SKTech website.


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