SunPoint IT Solutions



Office 365 SunApprovals

Office 365 SunApprovals

        Office 365 SunApprovals is a feature-rich task and process management solution that integrates with all lists in the Microsoft ecosystem. The product is flexible and supports platforms such as SharePoint, Teams, and Azure. One license is sufficient for use on all these platforms, making the product cost-effective and convenient for enterprise use. SunApprovals allows you to effectively organize workflows, manage tasks, and track their completion within a single tool.

       ◉ Support for multiple calendars and lists, flexible workflow customization.
       ◉ A single task list and a separate web part for easy management.
       ◉ A single designer for all tasks.
       ◉ The license covers all platforms, one for a year.
       ◉ Resource management, access settings and approvals.
       ◉ 30-day free Trial to test all features.

       Flexibility and Integration

      SunApprovals gives users the ability to manage all tasks and approval processes in a single interface. The product supports multiple lists and calendars, where you can flexibly customize workflows for different teams and projects.

    Users can customize a convenient calendar to track events, tasks, and meetings. Data synchronization allows employees to better coordinate work, see upcoming events, and meet deadlines. All tasks and events are combined into a single task list, which helps to avoid confusion and effectively manage processes in the team.

       Tasks that the application solves:

       ◉ Systematization of the work process

       ◉ Tracking changes in a certain area

       ◉ Organization of the work cycle

       Workflow tab
       The program is aimed at tracking workflows, namely, tracking changes in lists and document libraries on the site and on SharePoint child site collections. 
      The user can view current workflows, with the ability to add new ones and customize old ones (Image 1).

Image 1 – Main application interface

       When creating a new flow, the user has access to a large number of settings (Image 2).

Image 2 – Screen for adding a new workflow

       After saving, the user gets access to the editing page, which has two new tabs: Link and Permissions (Image 3).

Image 3 – Workflow editing screen

       The purpose of the Link tab is to set up a chain of messages about a new or changed document between groups.
       The user can add, edit and change the order of elements in the chain (Image 4 - 6)

Image 4 - Link window with editing of the first element enabled

Image 5 - Link window, adding a new element

Image 6 - Link window, changing the order of elements

       The Permissions tab is needed to configure the permissions of each group at a certain stage. The screen displays the order of passing through the groups, their status and action, with which you can configure the group permission.

Image 7 - Permissions window with corresponding statuses

Image 8 - Add user permissions window

       Ease of Use and Licensing

       A single SunApprovals license covers all major platforms such as SharePoint, Teams and Azure, making license management much easier and more accessible to businesses of all sizes. This eliminates the need to purchase separate licenses for each platform, ensuring the versatility of the product.

       Subscription Tab

       The main window contains an additional Subscription tab, which contains information about the company`s current subscription to this product (Image 9).

Image 9-Subscription Tab

       Settings Tab
       The main window has a settings tab that allows the user to change the location of the extension`s system lists (Img. 10).

Image 10 - Field for changing the location of system lists

       On the settings tab, the user can configure how long tasks will be generated and how long they will be active (Image 11).

Image 11 - Task generation settings fields

       Diagram, flow history
       After adding a new workflow, an additional column is created in the list containing a link to a diagram with information about the current state of the flow.

Image 12-Automatically created column in the list

Image 13 - Automatically created link

       The user has access to a tab with a diagram displaying the process status, as well as a tab with history (Image 14).

Image 14 – Window with a diagram displaying the current state of the flow

Image 15 – Flow history window

       Approvals and Resource Management

     SunApprovals allows you to easily create approvals for various resources: documents, files, requests and other elements. Users can set up access for different team members and manage roles depending on the project. This ensures flexibility, control and transparency of all work processes. 

       The control buttons determine the further course of the process: the element can be approved and transferred to the next stage (Approve), rejected (Reject) or saved for further editing (Save). After pressing the corresponding button, the diagram and history of the element are updated, displaying the new state of the flow. The status of the element in the list changes immediately, indicating its current state in the process.

Image 16 – Process approval window at the current stage

       The user can have several workflows for one element. The program provides the ability to manage threads for an element, namely, tracking all threads, starting and restarting.

       Easy task management

    The product offers easy task management thanks to a convenient system for distributing and tracking tasks, monitoring their implementation and meeting deadlines. All tasks and events can be viewed in a common calendar, which makes the team`s work more organized and transparent.

Image 17 – Task Tracking Area

       The Task Tracking Area allows you to customize the appearance of this area, choose how the timeline will be displayed, and select only those groups that the user is in (Image 18).

Image 18 — Available Settings

      The Gant Chart feature displays tasks as bars on a timeline (Image 17). 

       The List option displays tasks as a list, showing the group, current task, percentage completed, priority, and status (Image 19).

Image 19 – Task Tracking Area as a List

       The Calendar option displays tasks as a calendar with tasks marked on it and the ability to customize the calendar view and the date displayed (Image 20).

Image 20 – Calendar-style task tracking area

       The unique feature of the task tracking area is that all elements representing tasks are interactive. This allows users to click on an element and jump directly to the corresponding task (Image 21).

Image 21 – Interactive elements leading to the task

       Free 30-Day Trial

       SunApprovals offers new users a 30-day free Trial, which allows them to test all the features of the product and customize it to their company`s needs before purchasing a license.

The program consists of two client-side components: 

        1.SharePoint Web Part: 
One component is added to SharePoint as a web part. This part contains the main settings and configurations of the program. It is built using React and SPFx (SharePoint Framework Extension). 

        2.React and .NET 6.0 Application: 
The other client-side component is built with React and .NET 6.0, leveraging several libraries for enhanced functionality. The key libraries used are as follows: 

Libraries Used: 

        Azure.Identity: Handles authentication and authorization with Azure Active Directory (AD). 

        Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors: Provides support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in API requests. 

       Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy: Proxies requests from the backend server to the Single Page Application (SPA) during development. 

      Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore: An Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for data access, allowing interaction with databases using .NET objects. 

       Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer: Provides SQL Server support for Entity Framework Core. 

     Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools: Contains tools for working with Entity Framework Core in development, such as migrations and database updates. 

     Microsoft.Graph: Enables interaction with Microsoft Graph for accessing Office 365 services such as user data, calendars, and files. 

       Serilog: A diagnostic logging library used to log messages and events to various outputs (sinks). 

       Serilog.Sinks.Console: Sends log output to the console. 

       Serilog.Sinks.File: Writes log output to a file. 

       Serilog.Sinks.MySQL: Logs messages to a MySQL database. 

       Swashbuckle.AspNetCore: Integrates Swagger into the application, automatically generating API documentation for easier testing and exploration. 

     Office 365 SunApprovals is a powerful tool for task and process management. With support for SharePoint, Teams, and Azure, one license for all platforms, and flexible process management, SunApprovals is an indispensable solution for any team.

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